I figured I would capitalize on the Frappuccino Happy Hour at Starbucks by double dipping with a Star Dash promotion today while getting some work done.
Kids. Kids, everywhere. Why the hell do kids need coffee? Where are they getting money to spend at Starbucks? Oh wait…privileged white kids. I forgot.
Anyways, it’s been a really long time. I’ve been meaning to write more often, as it helps me work through some things and blow off some steam, but I just haven’t had time. Really, no time.
I’ve been putting forth a lot of effort to build my business and get work done during the day (among all the normal activities, chores, and fixing things that have been breaking around the house) with the intent of working on my blogs at night after the kids go to sleep.
Except, the kids don’t go to sleep. They’re both “sleep trained” and sleep in their own rooms, but damned if they don’t put up a fight to go to sleep in the first place. Even though I think we’re pretty lucky in the fact that our second daughter has been pretty much sleeping through the night since she was two months old; after we had her, I had to pretty much kiss my few hours of free time at night goodbye.
So what the hell am I doing writing for my blog during the day when I should be working? I have absolutely no motivation today. Babysitting a client for the past few days through relentless conversations over the phone and emails have sucked me dry. What should have been an easy and obvious decision has, for some reason, been strangely difficult.
I figured that I would get some boring administrative stuff done, and then head over and soak up the coffee culture all in an effort to jump start my motivation, and get at least something creative done. Not to forget the free air conditioning. Free air conditioning, even with the annoying teenagers, is worth it.
Otherwise, things have been going well recently. After a pretty shitty few months, I think things are starting to look up. More opportunities, from places I never thought I would garner business from, have been presenting themselves to me.
I think that even though I don’t absolutely love what I do (I do like it), I’m pretty damn good at it, and it shows. You always hear that word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool. I never believed it until now. I suppose if you do good work and people trust you, they’ll naturally refer you. One hundred percent of my business so far has been from word of mouth and me just recognizing and capitalizing on problems that need to be solved.
If you actually read or follow this blog, you may be wondering what happened to the pictures and short stories of my food adventures. I had planned to start doing video reviews of the places I go eat at, but besides the lack of time, my shitty iPhone’s camera has gotten so much dirt lodged under the lens that I can’t take a decent picture.
I was waiting for the Samsung Galaxy S6 to come out so I could upgrade my phone, but now that it’s out, I’ve been somewhat hesitant to get it. It’s not that I’m afraid to change operating systems or anything like that; I just haven’t been in a rush to go out and spend a couple hundred dollars on a phone. It would, however, be nice to have a good camera always handy to take pictures of the girls, as they are all somewhat fuzzy now because of the dirt under the lens of the current phone.
That’s it. This has just been a general update of what’s going on lately. I hope to get back here again soon to do more writing and just get into the practice of doing things for myself more regularly.
Here’s to the things to come.
Talk to me, Goose.