Investing is the process of deferring your current spending, much like saving, and placing your money into an asset in order for it to grow. Simply, investing means buying things like stocks, bonds, or real estate so that you can continue to work at your current job and make the money that you have saved Continue Reading
I’m Joining The Million Dollar Club!
My bank of choice, USAA, turned me on to a fellow financial blogger in August when they featured Budgets are Sexy and his Million Dollar Club. His entertaining blog won the “Military Blogger of the Month” award. I’ll have to admit that reading his blog helped inspire me to move forward with mine. And Continue Reading
The Most Personal Last Minute Gift You Can Give
It’s one week until Christmas, and whether you celebrate it or not, there are probably still a lot of last minute gift givers this holiday season. It’s almost scary to think about all of the crowds at the malls, the parking rage, and all of the Snuggies that are going to be flying off the Continue Reading
Rethinking A Family Budget
Does anyone really budget? I put some thought into this recently and realized that although I have used Microsoft Money (now defunct) and am now using Intuit’s Quicken religiously since I was 18, I have never bothered to use their budget functions.
A few conversations about budgeting with my wife yielded some protest and got Continue Reading
Welcome To Budget For Wealth! A Personal Finance Blog
Welcome to Budget For Wealth! Thank you for stopping by to read the very first post on my personal finance blog.
The purpose of this website is to publish information on a consistent basis so that you, the reader, can gain insight into the world of financial management. I want to make it easier to Continue Reading